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“The challenge for us is not that we don’t have interesting challenges to solve,” said Berg, who worked for decades as a software developer for Fortune 500 companies and defense contractors. “We have a ton of interesting data. It’s getting over the stigma some people still associate with cannabis.” Health Canada’s Substance Use and Addictions Program (SUAP) granted CNA $1.3 million to create a national nursing framework on the legalization of cannabis as well as e-learning modules to support clinical practice.* From the 1500s on, fur traders, missionaries, and European colonizers from Britain and France introduced alcohol to Indigenous communities when they settled the lands we now call Canada. Alcohol was exchanged at trading posts for valuable items like furs, and its introduction had devastating impacts on Indigenous communities. At the time, alcohol was the drug of choice for Europeans, but there was growing opposition to its consumption by some moral reformers who viewed it as a corrupting force. By the 1800s and early 1900, the temperance movement in Canada flourished. White moral reformers were also focused on converting Indigenous communities to Christianity and so this goal, along with the prohibition of alcohol, became their focus. Get the facts.

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First Name, Last Name:Gilbert Flores
Postal address:2395 Weekley Street, San Antonio, 78205, United States
Tropical zodiac:Cancer
Company:Chief Auto Parts
Occupation:Military occupation
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